Anna Iglikowska
I use a range of mineralogical and chemical techniques to unravel the intrinsic and extrinsic controls that have shaped chemical composition of calcareous skeletons. My main targets are calcifying invertebrates: echinoderms, bivalves, gastropods, bryozoans, crustaceans and brachiopods as these have been important components of marine benthic faunas.
Research interests
- Marine invertebrate ecology in polar (Arctic and Antarctic) environments
- Incorporation of major, minor and trace elements in carbonate structure of invertebrate skeletons
- Changes in shell microstructure in the context of progressing climate warming and related alterations in carbonate seawater chemistry
- Iglikowska, A., Piwoni-Piórewicz, A., Cieślik, B.M., Żyłan, D., Waszczuk, P., Kukliński, P. 2024. Trace metals in skeletal calcite of echinoderms from the Barents Sea. Chemosphere 367: 143635.
- Iglikowska, A., Szwarc, A., Bartosik, K., Gruba, D., Michalak, A., Namiotko, L., Pouch, A., Zaborska, A., Namiotko, T. 2024. Environmental concentrations of metals (Cu and Zn) differently affect the life history traits of a model freshwater ostracod. The European Zoological Journal 91(1): 687-707.
- Piwoni-Piórewicz, A., Liow, L.H., Krzemińska, M., Chełchowski, M., Iglikowska, A., Ronco, F., Mazurkiewicz, M., Smith, A.M., Gordon, D.P., Waeschenbach, A., Najorka, J., | Figuerola, B., Boonzaaier-Davids, M.K., Achilleos, K., Mello, H., Florence, W.K., Vieira, L.M., Ostrovsky, A.N., Shunatova, N., Porter, J.S., Sokolover, N., Cumming, R.L., Novosel, M., O'Dea, A., Lombardi, C., Jain, S.S., Huang, D., Kukliński, P. 2024. Skeletal mineralogy of marine calcifying organisms shaped by seawater temperature and evolutionary history – A case study of cheilostome bryozoans. Global Ecology and Biogeography 2024: e13874.
- Witalis, B., Iglikowska, A., Ronowicz, M., Weydmann-Zwolicka, A., Kukliński, P. 2024. The zooplankton community of Baltic Sea ports: diversity and seasonal dynamics. Oceanologia 66: 353-364.
- Iglikowska, A., Przytarska, J., Humphreys-Williams, E., Najorka, J., Chełchowski, M., Sowa, A., Hop, H., Włodarska-Kowalczuk, M., Kukliński, P. 2023. Mineralogical and chemical composition of Arctic gastropods shells. Progress in Oceanography, 218: 103134.
- Iglikowska, A., Przytarska, J., Humphreys-Williams, E., Najorka, J., Chełchowski, M., Sowa, A., Hop, H., Włodarska-Kowalczuk, M., Kukliński, P. 2023. Shell mineralogy and chemistry – Arctic bivalves in a global context. Marine Pollution Bulletin 189: 114759.
- Figuerola, B., Griffiths, H. J., Krzeminska, M., Piwoni‐Piorewicz, A., Iglikowska, A., Kuklinski, P. 2023. Temperature as a likely driver shaping global patterns in mineralogical composition in bryozoans: implications for marine calcifiers under global change. Ecography 2023(1): e06381.
- Mioduchowska, M., Iglikowska, A., Jastrzębski, J. P., Kaczorowska, A. K., Kotlarska, E., Trzebny, A., Weydmann-Zwolicka, A. 2022. Challenges of comparing marine microbiome community composition data provided by different commercial laboratories and classification databases. Water 14(23): 3855.
- Witalis, B., Iglikowska, A., Ronowicz, M., Kukliński, P. 2021. Biodiversity of epifauna in the ports of Southern Baltic Sea revealed by study of recruitment and succession on artificial panels. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 249: 107107.
- Iglikowska, A., Krzemińska, M., Renaud, P. E., Berge, J., Hop, H., Kukliński, P. 2020. Summer and winter MgCO3 levels in the skeletons of Arctic bryozoans. Marine Environmental Research: 105166.
- Iglikowska, A., Humphreys-Williams, E., Przytarska, J., Chełchowski, M., Kukliński, P. 2020. Minor and trace elements in skeletons of Arctic echinoderms. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 158, 111377.
- Piwoni-Piórewicz, A., Krzemińska, M., Iglikowska, A., Najorka, J., Kukliński, P. 2020. Skeletal mineralogy patterns of Bryozoa from the Aleutian Islands in the context of revealing a global pattern in bryzoan skeletal mineralogy. In: Jackson, P.W., Zágoršek, K. (eds), Bryozoan Studies 2019 – Proceedings of the eighteenth International Bryozoology Association Conference Liberec – Czech Republic, Czech Geological Survey, Prague: 111-124. Recenzowana publikacja pokonferencyjna.
- Piwoni‐Piórewicz, A., Kukliński, P., Strekopytov, S., Humphreys‐Williams, E., Najorka, J., Iglikowska, A. 2019. The chemical composition of Mytilus trossulus carbonate shells from the southern Baltic Sea: implications for environmental monitoring. The Baltic Sea in Transition, 57-58. Recenzowana publikacja pokonferencyjna.
- Iglikowska, A., Ronowicz, M., Humphreys-Williams, E., Kukliński, P. 2018. Trace element accumulation in the shell of the Arctic cirriped Balanus balanus. Hydrobiologia 818 (1): 43-56.
- Iglikowska, A., Borszcz, T., Drewnik, A., Grabowska, M., Humphreys-Williams, E., Kędra, M., Krzemińska, M., Piwoni-Piórewicz, A., Kukliński, P. 2018. Mg and Sr in Arctic echinoderm calcite: Nature or nurture?. Journal of Marine Systems 180: 279-288.
- Iglikowska, A., Najorka, J., Voronkov, A., Chełchowski, M., Kukliński, P. 2017. Variability in magnesium content in Arctic echinoderm skeletons. Marine Environmental Research 129: 207-218.
- Piwoni-Piórewicz, A., Kukliński, P., Strekopytov, S., Humphreys-Williams, E., Najorka, J., Iglikowska, A. 2017. Size effect on the mineralogy and chemistry of Mytilus trossulus shells from the southern Baltic Sea: implications for environmental monitoring. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 189 (4): 197.
- Iglikowska, A., Bełdowski, J., Chełchowski, M., Chierici, M., Kędra, M., Przytarska, J., Sowa, A., Kukliński, P. 2017. Chemical composition of two mineralogically contrasting Arctic bivalves' shells and their relationships to environmental variables. Marine Pollution Bulletin 114 (2): 903-916.
- Krzemińska, M., Kukliński, P., Najorka, J., Iglikowska, A. 2016. Skeletal mineralogy patterns of Antarctic Bryozoa. Journal of Geology 124 (3): 411-422.
- Iglikowska, A., Pawłowska, J. 2015. The adaptations of the Foraminifera and Ostracoda to fresh water colonization. In: Zieliński, T., Węsławski, J.M., Kuliński, K. (eds), Impact of climate changes on marine environments. Geoplanet: Earth and Planetary Sciences, Springer Special Issue.
- Iglikowska, A. 2014. Stranded: The conquest of fresh water by marine ostracods. Paleontological Research, 18 (3): 125-133.
- Iglikowska, A., Boxshall, G.A. 2013. Danielopolina revised: Phylogenetic relationships of the extant genera of the family Thaumatocyprididae (Ostracoda: Myodocopa). Zoologischer Anzeiger 252: 469-485.
- Maran, B.A.V., Moon, S.Y., Ohtsuka, S., Oh, S-Y., Soh, H.Y., Myoung, J-G., Iglikowska, A., Boxshall, G.A. 2013. The caligid life cycle: new evidence from Lepeophtheirus elegans reconciles the cycles of Caligus and Lepeophtheirus (Copepoda: Caligidae). Parasite 20: 15.
- Boxshall, G.A., Iglikowska, A. 2012. The composition of the genus Danielopolina Kornicker & Sohn, 1976 (Myodocopa: Thaumatocyprididae). Natura Croatica 21 (supl.): 15-16.
- Iglikowska, A., Namiotko, T. 2012. The impact of environmental factors on diversity of Ostracoda in freshwater habitats of subarctic and temperate Europe. Annales Zoologici Fennici 49, 4: 193-218.
- Iglikowska, A., Namiotko, T. 2012. The non-marine Ostracoda of Lapland: changes over the past century. Journal of Limnology 71, 2: 1-8.
- Iglikowska A., Namiotko T. 2010. Freshwater Ostracoda (Crustacea) of Inari Lapland in northern Finland. Ann. Limnol. – Int. J. Limnol., 46: 199-206.
- Iglikowska A., Namiotko T. 2009. Ostracoda of the Inari Lapland region (northern Finland). Lobelia, 1: 19-20.
Foreign internships and trainings
- 17‐28 January 2012 – “Multivariate Analysis of Ecological Data – CANOCO training”, Czeske Budejovice, Czech Republic
- 5‐25 February 2012 – internship in Natural History Museum (Darwin Centre) in London (UK) within the frame of „Synthesys” program, title of the project: „To undertake basic taxonomic research on the polyphyletic halocyprid ostracod genus Paraconchoecia”. Scanning microscopy training (model: Zeiss Ultra Plus field emission SEM)
- 11‐15 November 2013 – powder X‐ray diffraction training (XRD, model: Enraf‐Nonius Powder Diffraction Systems 120) in Natural History Museum in London (UK)
- 27 April‐16 May 2014 – trace elements analysis using ICP AES (Inductively Coupled Plasma – Atomic Emission Spectroscopy) and ICP MS (Inductively Coupled Plasma – Mass Spectrometry) trainings. Scanning microscopy training (model: FEI Quanta 650 FEG SEM), both trainings in Natural History Museum in London (UK)
- 1‐14 March 2015 – conducting mineralogical analyses using XRD in Natural History Museum in London (UK)
- 3 September‐1 October 2016 – conducting mineralogical analyses using XRD and X‐ray micro‐diffractometry training (model: Rigaku Rapid 2 Micro‐XRD with curved 2D detector) in Natural History Museum in London (UK)
- 16‐30 March 2018 – conducting mineralogical analyses using XRD in Natural History Museum in London (UK)
Trainings in Poland
- February 2008 – “Biostatistical design and analysis for the field and laboratory research” – Marie Curie Research and Training Network, Gdańsk‐Leźno
- 5‐7 April 2011 – MIKE by DHI training course “Marine Modelling with Flexible Mesh – using the following MIKE software applications: MIKE 21 HD FM, MIKE 3 HD FM, MIKE 21 SW, MIKE 21 ST FM”, Institute of Oceanology PAS, Sopot
- 19‐20 December 2011 – “MIKE by DHI, hydrodynamical model – using MIKE 21 and MIKE 3”, Institute of Oceanology PAS, Sopot
- 1‐2 February 2012 – “MIKE by DHI, EKOLab training course”, Institute of Oceanology PAS, Sopot
- 23rd May 2014 – lecture at the University of Oslo, title: “Stranded: The conquest of fresh water by marine ostracods”. Lecture on request: NIVA Oslo (Norwegian Institute for Water Research)
Selected presentations at conferences
- Błachowiak‐Samołyk, K., Baczewska, A., Wichorowski, M., Iglikowska, A., Angel, M.V. 2011. The diversity of pelagic ostracods in the Central Eastern Atlantic Ocean. World Conference on Marine Biodiversity, Aberdeen, UK (author and speaker presenting computer animation)
- Boxshall, G.A., Iglikowska, A. 2012. The composition of the genus Danielopolina Kornicker & Sohn, 1976 (Myodocopa: Thaumatocyprididae). International Symposium on Anchialine Ecosystems, Cavtat, Croatia (speaker)
- Iglikowska, A., Kukliński, P., Przytarska, J., Piwowarczyk, J., Włodarska‐Kowalczuk, M., Renaud, P., Carroll, M., Bellerby, R., Stolarski, J. 2014. POLNOR – the changing ocean of the polar north. XXXV Polar Symposium, Wrocław, Poland (speaker)
- Iglikowska, A., Przytarska, J., Chełchowski, M., Sowa, A., Chierici, M., Kędra, M., Kukliński, P. 2016. Shell chemical composition of two mineralogically contrasting Arctic bivalves. XXXVI Polar Symposium, Lublin, Poland (speaker)
- Iglikowska, A., Przytarska, J., Humphreys‐Williams, E., Najorka, J., Chełchowski, M., Sowa, A., Hop, H., Włodarska‐Kowalczuk, M., Kukliński, P. 2022. Shell mineralogy and chemical composition in Arctic bivalves. 55th European Marine Biology Symposium (EMBS) Gdańsk, Poland (speaker)
Prizes and awards
- 2012 and 2013 ‐ two individual awards for research activities and publications assigned by the Scientific Council of theInstitute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences
- 2020 and 2024 ‐ contribution to the publication achievement of the research team of the Department of Evolutionary Genetics and Biosystematics of the University of Gdańsk, i.e. the 3rd‐ (2020) and 2nd-degree (2024) team award of the Rector of the University of Gdańsk for scientific activity.
Other achievements
- Reviewer in scientific journals: Biologia – Section Zoology (in 2012), Turkish Journal of Zoology (in 2013), Zoologischer Anzeiger (in 2013), Limnologica (in 2014), Zootaxa (in 2015), CBM – Cahiers de Biologie Marine (in 2021), Scientific Reports (in 2021), Polish Hyperbaric Research (in 2022), Journal of Marine Systems (in 2023)
- Preparation of the taxonomic database of flatworms Digenea as a part of the program „LifeWatch Data Grant: Filling the gaps in the World Register of Marine Species (WORMS) partim Digenea” (Digenea - WORMS), Organiser: Flanders Marine Institute – VLIZ, Oostende, Belgium, coordinator: Leen Vandepitte. Implementation period: 23.11.2012 – 23.02.2013
- 2012 – obtaining funds for scientific project within the frame of international program. Project title: “To undertake basic taxonomic research on the polyphyletic halocyprid ostracod genus Paraconchoecia” (GB‐TAF‐2014), funded by: European Community Research Infrastructure Action under the FP7 “Capacities” – as the head of the project
- Contribution to the preparation of a global database of pelagic copepod body size and occurrence (Biodiversity of Marine Planktonic Copepods). Organiser: EMODnet (European Marine Observation and Data Network) – Biology, coordinator: Stefanie Dekeyzer. Implementation period: 1.06.2013 – 30.11.2013
Other key information impacting the evaluation of the academic and research career
- Experienced scuba diver (certificates: Open Water Diver 20m, Explorer 30m, Dry Suit Diver, Nitrox Diver, Master Rescue Diver, Divemaster)
Participation in offshore (oceanic) research cruises
- 24 July‐12 August 2014 – sampling along the coast of the Svalbard Archipelago (Arctic), R/V Oceania (Institute of Oceanology PAS, Sopot, Poland)
- 26 August‐9 September 2015 – sampling on the Barents Sea, R/V Johan Hjort (Institute of Marine Research, Havforskningsinstituttet, Bergen, Norway)
- 19 June‐14 August 2019 – sampling on the Norwegian Sea, Greenland Sea and the Arctic Ocean, R/V Oceania (Institute Oceanology PAS, Sopot, Poland)
- 14 March‐14 April 2024 ‐ sampling along the eastern coast of the Antarctic Peninsula (Southern Ocean), R/V Noosfera (National Antarctic Center of Ukraine)